The venue-based sectors, such as performing and music, are the hardest hit by social distancing measures, as a result of the Covid-19 crisis. The abrupt drop in revenues puts their financial sustainability at risk and has resulted in reduced wage earnings and lay-offs with repercussions for the value chain of their suppliers, from creative and non-creative sectors alike. Some cultural and creative sectors, such as online content platforms, have profited from the increased demand for cultural content streaming during lockdown, but the benefits from this extra demand have largely accrued to the largest firms in the industry. With the lockdown, many public and private providers moved content on-line for free to keep audiences engaged and satisfy the sharply increased demand for cultural content. While the provision of free and digitally mediated cultural content is not sustainable over time, it has opened the door to many future innovations. Measures should be taken for the development of methodologies and technological solutions for distance and distributed learning with digitally mediated access to cultural resources and experiences.
The project main objective is to empower performers, specifically those in music, through development of skills and competences for digital transformation.
The project specific objectives are: (1) ensuring high-quality and inclusive education, through enriching learning experiences while supporting effective use of digital technologies in creation of OERs; (2) empowering performers, specifically those in music, to adapt to the online and the digital environment; (3) enhancing the use of new technologies for streaming in performance arts through integration of available digital and educational resources.
The target groups of the project are:
- + Cultural and creative youth, specifically music performers;
- + Organisations in the cultural and creative sector (CCS) which provide training in digital competences and youth networking
- + European CCS and performance arts leaders, specifically managers, influencers in the field of performance arts and music training.
- The project will carry out a total of three intellectual outputs, as following:
- + Review and analysis of resources for digital transformation; Development of Assignment; Guidelines for digital presence of the performers
- + E-platform: Module Learning“OERs database and training tools”
- + E-platform: Module Practice“Online streaming, marketing and ticket system”
All results and lessons will be disseminated in a total of four dissemination events in all partnership countries.
The project will support the culture and creative sector in their efforts to adapt to the pandemic situation and to upgrade the knowledge and skills of the performance and music artists. As the sector, and specifically the performing art segment, is hardly hit and the necessity to use digital online instruments is put into a key role for the viability of the artists, the project will meet the needs to access to OERs for gaining essential digital skills. The project will impact the policies and the actions towards a focused adaptation of the educational and training resources and support for upskilling of the performing artists. It will also leverage the educational resources online, with the digital possibilities of the sector to create and sustain their audiences. The recovery measures for the CCS will also be supported in terms of providing broader OER package, to be used by all training and educational organizations in the field of CCS operations, as well as by the freelancers.