The successful implementation of the project is directly linked with the successful delivery of the intellectual outputs, the dissemination events and the training activities. They will input to the project objectives and will provide sustainability of the results. More specifically, the expected results during the project and on its completion include:

1. Reviewed and analyzed resources for digital transformation.

Revision of the available streaming and ticketing systems to perform events online and making effective online marketing strategies. It will result in gathering good practices and experiences on using platforms, such as Skype, Zoom, YouTube Live, Facebook Live, Vimeo, etc. Gathered and synthesized information on the available instruments for streaming and ticketing, a comparison made on their pros-cons and offered background for further development of Guidelines for music performers for using and selection.

2. Developed assignment for elaboration and publishing of OERs and developed Guidelines for digital presence of the performers.

Developed consistent and structured Guidelines supporting the efforts of the performance artists to create and make use of coherent training materials in using digital streaming and ticketing systems. The Guidelines will provide knowledge and guidance for the cultural and creative sector and performance artists, to make effective use of the available streaming and ticketing platforms, and will systematically lead them through the process of preparation for streaming, marketing and selling online. The Guidelines will also consist of structured OERs design for performance artists on:

1.         Technical specifics for performing online – requirements of the available streaming and ticketing platforms, video and audio specifics, mixing video content, lights and directing of the online performance content;

2.         Marketing specifics on reaching current and new audience – visual requirements, social marketing;

3.         Copyrights online and protection of performance artists interests. YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, etc.

Elaborated Assignment for development of an online platform for the OERs, including practical streaming and ticketing systems. The Assignment will mirror the Guidelines and OERs, and will offer a technical solution for piloting a free streaming and ticketing system for the project target groups.

3. E-learning platform with OERs database and training tool developed – module learning

The OERs developed under the intellectual output will deliver knowledge and skills in the spheres of digital presence of the performance artists. The competences will cover areas, developed under the Guidelines in the and will raise the digital competences and skills of the CSS and performance artists. The OERs will be elaborated and delivered in the form of written guidelines and/or video tutorials. The OERs will be developed in a mutual effort from the project partnership, gathering the good practices and know-how, and profiling the educational content for the needs of the performance and music artists.

All target groups, users of the platform, will benefit from the elaborated tool, which will consist of:

1. Member area with users’information– personal and professional data with respective access level.

2. Adaptation of existing OERs in accordance to the users needs and specific training activities. Adaptation may be possible for the timeframe, add-ons of theory and practice, adding tutorials, adding samples of performing practices parts, etc. 

3. Private messaging and users communication.

4. Practical module for streaming, marketing and ticket system developed.

The online OERs database and training tools will be leveraged with the adaptation of a training module for practicing, including:

1. Testing and exercising tool – in accordance to the learners needs and specific training activities. The tool will provide a streaming platform, where the performers can test their mise-en-scène, sound, technical connections, compatibility of software, etc.

2. Tool for bookmarking, discussion within a closed group of learners and/or trainers, online chat with the learners (when the training is provided in a live mode).

3. Tool for marketing and ticket system – the tool will provide practical training on how to market their events, including social marketing, how to sell tickets and how to develop ticket and audience segmentation.

The project results will be disseminated through holding a total of four dissemination events. All project partners and key project stakeholders will receive training on the project outcomes and platform features.