The project partnership has finalized the development of the Guidelines for Digital Presence.
The developed consistent and structured Guidelines is supporting the efforts of the performance artists to create and make use of coherent training materials in using digital streaming and ticketing systems. The Guidelines will provide knowledge and guidance for the cultural and creative sector and performance artists, to make effective use of the available streaming and ticketing platforms, and will systematically lead them through the process of preparation for streaming, marketing and selling online. The Guidelines will also consist of structured OERs design for performance artists on:
- Technical specifics for performing online – requirements of the available streaming and ticketing platforms, video and audio specifics, mixing video content, lights and directing of the online performance content;
- Marketing specifics on reaching current and new audience – visual requirements, social marketing;
- Copyrights online and protection of performance artists interests. YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, etc.
The Guidelines for Digital presence will be translated into all partner languages, and available online. The English version can be downloaded from here.