We are proud to announce that the project partners have developed and published online the one-of-a-kind online virtual scene for practicing online streaming od hybrid and recorded events. This is the most comlicated and advanced work under the project, and we are very proud with its succesful completion and development. The platform is developed into all partner languages (currently available only in Bulgarian, due to the ongoing process of translation). It is providing a space for planning, administration and management of online events through the use of complicated technical process for streaming and embedding of the video signal.
The platform is available for all young artists, as well as senior ones, who need to use the online and digital tools for gaining new audience and sustaining their previous one.
The first two events which will be piloted in the site are a Concert of Young performers, organized by our associated partners – Studio Artes. And the other event will be streaming the recording of a performance event, directed and organized our friend and colleage Ralitza Kovatcheva – Bejan – the Unforgettable.
More can be found on the platform URL LiveArtist.eu