The project partnership of the project made their training event (LTT) in Sofia, in the period 20-25 June 2022. The LTT was aiming at training the project target groups to the project outcomes in terms of training materials and online platforms, developed during the project. The LTT was attended by a total of 12 participants, representing the target groups of all project partners. The agenda for the training was elaborated by the project coordinator, and included 6 days of presentations to all project topics, presented by the experts of the coordinator and the developers of the training resources and platforms. The training was delivered, following the preliminary developed agenda:

Day 1 – Project outputs and training for administering and using the online platforms and

Day 2 – Marketing of online and hybrid events

Day 3 – Copy Rights and Intellectual Property Protection

Day 4 and Day 5 – Professional streaming of online and hybrid events – theory and practice training

Day 6 – Establishment of a European NGO by the project partners, possibilities for sustaining the project outcomes and Europass certificates

The LTT was combined with the organization of the Multiplier event of the Bulgarian partners, which took the form of a Concert of young artists, aiming the dissemination of the project outputs and piloting the streaming platform developed under the project LiveArtist.EU All presentations and lectures are recorded and will be available online on the training platform Live Artist Training.

The training event of the Music Virtual Academy project was held in Sofia
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